Colorado State University
Electric Propulsion & Plasma Engineering
Prof. John D. Williams, Director
Phone: (970)491-8564
Fax: (970)491-8671

The Colorado State University Electric Propulsion & Plasma Engineering (CEPPE) Laboratory has been providing research, development, and testing since 1965.


Plasma Engineering Chamber

Research & development activities at the CEPPE laboratory include:

  • Ion Thrusters / Hall Thrusters / Electric Propulsion
  • Hollow Cathodes
  • Emissive Membrane & Solid State Thrusters
  • Hydroxyapatite Thin Films & Biomedical Applications
  • Thermoelectric Materials
  • Computational Modeling & Ion Optics
  • Electrodynamic Tethers
  • Sputtering & Erosion Problems
  • Space-Based Applications of Plasma Technology

CSU's Hall Effect Thruster
CSU's Hall Effect thruster research: CSU's 1.5 kW Hall effect thruster can be operated over a power range of 0.5 - 2.5 kW. It incorporates a center mounted heaterless electride hollow cathode for optimum performance and minimum plume divergence. At 1.5 kW, the thruster is capable of >2,000 seconds Isp and >60% efficiency.


The Electric Propulsion and Plasma Engineering Lab is part of the Mechanical Engineering Department in the College of Engineering.

Hollow Cathode Discharge Chamber