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Torque/Speed Control One Attack

By changing the second and third byte of the “torque/Speed Control 1” message will result in a physical change in the truck. In this experiment, we changed the “engine requested speed/speed limit” to a high value which resulted in the truck speeding up.

To see CAN data of the attack, click the download button

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Pedal Jam

By setting the fourth byte of the “torque/speed control 1” message to zero, it will result in the accelerator pedal not working.

To see CAN data of the attack, click the download button

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By sending periodic messages we can disrupt the display on the dashboard

To see CAN data of the attack, click the download button

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DoS Attack

A denial-of-service(DoS) attack is initiated when the internal network is overloaded with information, and in this case, causing the tachometer and speedometer to have no readings.

To see CAN data of the attack, click the download button

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Address Claim

An address claim is when the user sends a message claiming an address and informs all other components that you claimed that address. By claiming that address you can shut down the real use for that address.

By claiming the source address of ECM it can no longer send messages on the bus. Therefore, we don’t see data coming from the ECM as it can no longer send messages.

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To see CAN data of our trip from Colorado to Michigan click the button

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Click download to get a zip file of all of the videos attack data

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Click download to download a full archive of attack data that our group has collected

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