Mission Statement
The University of Tulsa's Crash Reconstruction Research Consortium, TU-CRRC, is a non-profit cooperative industry-government-university research project focused on conducting basic and applied research for the advancement of crash reconstruction practices. The function is to provide member driven research and technology development, and to provide student education to implement such technology. The focus of the Consortium is to better understand crash causation, explore physical and digital evidence interpretation, improve the overall education of first responders, and motivate Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education though a vibrant outreach program.
Strategic Objectives
- Develop technologies to assist scene investigators accurately and quickly acquire physical and digital data needed for reconstruction.
- Develop tools and techniques to articulate the reliability of a crash reconstruction analysis.
- Develop robust formal methods and simulation tools to assess the scalability and security of networked vehicle safety systems.
- Build efficient computer based crash testing and reconstruction capabilities using the finite element method.
- Provide crash testing services for research and demonstration at remote sites for non-profit organizations.
- Develop low-cost accurate crash sensing devices to gather data sets during crash tests.
- Make crash reconstruction test data accessible and meaningful through a web based portal.
Benefits of Membership
- Periodic meetings for networking and exchange of ideas
- Crash testing at conference locations
- Invest in a fraction of the research and get all the results
- Ability to influence and recommend research topics
- Backing and support of a top 100 doctoral granting university
- $1M third party insurance policy (certificates available upon request)
- Oversight of financial resources by the University’s Office of Sponsored Programs
- Instrumentation testing and development
- Royalty free rights to research software
- Continuous feedback though member surveys and guidance
- Access to specialized instrumentation (if available)
- A customer service based approach to your research needs
- Access to historical crash test data and archives
- Contribute to the science and data needed for admission of data in courts