Digitized Radar Signal (DRS) transfer is an emerging real-time, high-bandwidth application. DRS data transfer has unique QoS requirements that are significantly different from other real-time applications, such as voice and video transfer. Depending on the end user needs, an application can dictate lower bound on the data-rate requirement; however higher rates results in higher quality. Based on the resources available at the destination, a radar application can also dictate a target rate requirement at which it can receive data from the radar server. Moreover, each end-user may have distinct data quality requirements depending on end application, end system, and network characteristics.
Deployment of such a high-bandwidth application over the Internet may lead to network congestion. It is desired that these applications does not degrade the performance of the already existing TCP based applications on the network. Challenge is to meet unique QoS requirements of the radar end algorithms, while remaining friendly to the TCP cross traffic on the network. Existing protocols like TCP, UDP, RTP etc., are unable to meet these requirements. TCP-friendly Rate Adaptation Based On Losses (TRABOL), an application-level streaming protocol has been developed to meet the unique requirements of high bandwidth digitized radar transmission applications.