Multi-attribute Resource and Query
(ResQue) generator can be used to generate
large synthetic traces of computing resources and range queries.
Such traces are useful in large-scale performance studies of
resource discovery systems, job schedulers, etc., in
collaborative peer-to-peer systems, volunteer computing, and
grid and cloud computing. ResQue generates correlated
multivariate vectors of static attributes and time series of
dynamic attributes as well as multi-attribute range queries. It preserves the statistical
properties of real-world computing resources such as
distributions of attributes, complex correlation between static
and/or dynamic attributes, contemporaneous correlation among
dynamic attributes, and popularity of attributes. Users may use
the provided datasets or their own ones as the basis to generate
large synthetic traces. Several tools are also provided to
simplify the conversion of other datasets to the format
supported by ResQue.
contact us if you would like to share your dataset with
other ResQue users.
Use the following links to access source code, datasets, user guide, and utilities.
- H. M. N. Dilum Bandara and Anura P. Jayasumana, "On
Characteristics and Modeling of P2P Resources with
Correlated Static and Dynamic Attributes," In Proc.
IEEE GLOBECOM '11, Dec. 2011.
- H. M. N. Dilum Bandara and Anura P. Jayasumana,
"Characteristics of Multi-Attribute Resources/Queries and
Implications on P2P Resource Discovery," In Proc.
9th ACS/IEEE Int. Conf. On Computer Systems And Applications
(AICCSA 2011), Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Dec. 2011.
- H. M. N. D. Bandara, “Enhancing collaborative
peer-to-peer systems using resource aggregation and caching:
A multi-attribute resource and query aware approach,” PhD
Dissertation, Colorado State University, Fall 2012.