Taylan Sipahi

Graduate Research Assistnat
Graduate Student
Colorado State University
taylan (at) engr.colostate.edu

Research Interests:

  • Klystrons
  • Electron Sources
  • X-Band RF Cavities
  • Waveguides
  • RF Devices

Taylan earned his undergraduated and master degree at Akara University with the Physics Engineering Department in 2010. Taylan's education has also included spending time in Sweden at Umea University and working at MAX-Labs. Taylan has also studied at SLAC for his master's degree and he has participated in several particle accelerator schools (JAS 2011, JUAS 2012, USPAS 2013). Taylan is now completing his P.h.D. at Colorado State University.

Taylan is now working with the Colorado State Accelerator Facility, with a focus that is mainly on X-Band RF cavities.


  • S.V. Milton, S. Biedron, T.A. Burleson, C. Carrico, J.P. Edelen, C.C. Hall, K. Horovitz, A.L. Morin, L. Rand, N. Sipahi, T. Sipahi, P.J.M. van der Slot, A. Dong, H. Yehudah “The CSU Accelerator and FEL Facility”, 34th International Free Electron Laser Conference, Nara, Japan, August 26-31, 2012
  • S. G. Biedron, S. V. Miton, N. Sipahi, T. Sipahi, C. Adolphson, “Passively Driving X-Band Structures to Achieve Higher Beam Energies”, IPAC 2013, Shanghai, China, May 12-17, 2013